The International Congress on

Language Learning

Exploring acculturation through language acquisition.

Join us as we learn about field-based language learning, best practices, coaching language learners, and connecting with experts in second language acquisition.

ICLL occurs every one and a half years, alternating between an online and in-person conference.

ICLL 13 Online (2024)

THEME: Language Learning in Multiples: Multiple Languages, Multiple Modalities, and Multiple Intelligences

DATES: February 22-24, 2024

COST: $120 for Access to Conference Materials (Conference videos will be available until February 2025)

Scholarship - $25 registration cost for passport holders of countries defined by the World Bank as “low”, “lower-middle” income economy.

Bringing People Together

This Congress is ideal for:
  • Christian Language Coaches

  • Language Teachers

  • Language School Administrators

  • Pre-Field Trainers in Language

  • On-Field Trainers in Language

  • Linguists

  • Academicians

  • College Professors

Professional Development

What are the unique issues that language professionals who serve in the world of missions are experiencing? How can we learn from each other so that we can serve language learners more effectively?

These questions are at the heart of ICLL every year. Building on our collective experience and knowledge, we explore the latest research, trends, and tools in the field of language learning.


ICLL provides the opportunity for those who engage in Language Coaching, Language Policy and Language Learning to connect on a number of different levels.  Our unique forums, workshops, plenary speakers and opportunities for one-on-one conversations provide the space for connection with like-minded individuals to explore trends, changes and successes in Language Acquisition. 

“For the first time ever, I have had a chance to be around others who are involved in the same thing I am - helping others learn language to be better equipped. It’s given me affirmation and encouragement.”

— ICLL Alumnus

“I gained a fuller understanding of the wealth of resources within the missionary language learning community. I have a better idea of where to send coaches who need more ideas and resources.”

— ICLL Alumnus